To join Meridian right now, fill in your details below and press the Join Now button at the bottom. You will then get an email from our membership secretary informing you of the amount payable.

Transfer your fee via EFT or direct deposit (please do not mail cash or cheques) into the ‘Meridian Hiking Club’ bank account:

Claremont Branch
Branch Code: 104609
Current Account No: 1046348396

Advise our membership secretary at fax number 086 543 5324 or email with your deposit details. Include your name for identification. You become a member once you have received a confirmation email with your membership number. Please note you also need a membership card, available free. Email an ID-type photo and your membership number to:

After submitting the Application Form subscribe yourself to the Meridian Mailing List. By doing so you will receive our monthly Newsletter and Calendar and our Weekly Update, which has all the latest event information.
Subscribe now >>

See disclaimer below

Phone (h): (e.g. 021 456 7890)
Phone (w): (e.g. 021 234 5678)
Cell: (e.g. 083 123 4567)
Birthday: (e.g. 1 April 1970)

Disclaimer: By submitting this form I agree to indemnify the Meridian Hiking Club, its officers and leaders against any liability for loss, damage or personal injury arising from any club activity, including travelling to and from the event. I further indemnify Meridian Hiking Club, its officers and leaders against any claim or legal proceedings instituted by myself or any third party which may arise from taking part in any activity organised by the club. I accept that I participate in club activities entirely at my own risk.